Other research projects
Before coming to Glasgow, I worked on a number of projects in the general area of embodied conversational agents, including the following:
EMOTE (EU FP7, 2012-2015), which had the goal of developing empathy-based robotic tutors.
JAMES (EU FP7; 2011-2014), where we developed a robot agent that is able to interact in a socially appropriate way in multi-party, situated interactions in the bartender domain.
ECHOES (EPSRC/ESRC TEL; 2009-2012), which developed a technology-enhanced learning environment in which both typically developing children and children with Asperger's Syndrome could explore and improve their social interaction and collaboration skills.
JAST (EU FP6; 2006-2009), which investigated the cognitive, neural, and communicative aspects of joint action.
COMIC (EU FP5; 2002-2005), where we developed an embodied multimodal dialogue system.